Collaborate for free with online versions of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote. Save documents, spreadsheets, and presentations online, in OneDrive. For instructions, see Use the Office offline installer. Office 365 Home and Personal Subscriptions. If you have an Office 365 Home or Personal subscription, log into the Services & subscriptions page. Click Install, then Other Options. Tick the box to Download an offline installer. For instructions, see Use the Office home offline installer. Microsoft 365 apps are tailored for each platform and each operating system. The apps available for Mac users and the specific features included may be different from those available for PC users. With Microsoft 365, you can be flexible. You’re not limited to exclusively Mac or exclusively PC, so you can transition across devices. Microsoft Office 365 Home 12-month subscription with Auto-Renewal, up to 6 people, PC/Mac Download with $50 Gift Card in a Black and Silver Mini Envelope Microsoft 5.0 out of 5 stars 2. If your version starts with 15.anything then your install is so far behind you have to download a new version of AutoUpdate. Download, install and then run the latest version of AutoUpdate to update Office.
* In the new Read Mode, text reflows automatically in columns for easier on-screen reading
* Fewer menus means more focus on your content—see only the tools you need, when you need them
* Open a PDF in Word, and edit content just as if you created it in Word
* Show your style by using Word templates in more than 40 categories Pdf printer mac.
* Each workbook has in its own window, making it easier to work on two workbooks--or two monitors-- at once
* New functions in the math and trig, statistical, engineering, date and time, lookup and reference, logical, and text function categories
* The new Recommended Charts button lets you pick from a variety of charts that are right for your data
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* Presenter View allows you to see your notes on your monitor while the audience only sees the slide
* Smart Guides automatically appear when your objects are close to even, and tell you when objects are spaced evenly
* Support for more multimedia formats, such as .mp4 and .mov, more high-definition content, and more built-in codecs
* Smoothly draw, erase, and edit with your finger, stylus, or mouse on any touch-capable device
* OneNote automatically converts your handwriting to text, so no worries about your handwriting
* The new Send to OneNote tool makes it easier to include documents or Web pages in your notebooks
* The People Card collects key details about a contact all in one place
* Add your local weather forecast right there in Calendar view, along with current conditions
* Receive push-based email, appointments, and contacts from, (formerly Hotmail) - right in your Outlook experience
* Simply type what you need to track and Access uses table templates to deliver an app that does the job
* A standardized app framework makes navigating apps familiar and easy
* Entering data accurately is a breeze with drop-down menus and recommendations that appear when you begin typing
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* Insert and customize prebuilt page part building blocks, including calendars, borders, advertisements, and more
* Use professional-looking effects including softer shadows, reflections, and OpenType features
* Search your online albums on Facebook, Flickr and other services and add pictures directly to your document Swatch mac russian red. Free picture drawing software.